Campus Re-Opening

Dear Leaders,

As many of you are aware, a few days ago, the government shared updated guidelines that will take effect from Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021. However, ALU’s priority continues to be the health and safety of our community therefore, the campus will remain closed to prevent new cases and communal exposure to the virus for the next two weeks. . In light of this, we wanted to share some important points to keep in mind during this period.

  1. The campus will be completely closed without access. During this time security will not let you in.

  2. For any special needs or concerns you may have, we request that you channel them to Student Life Rwanda.

  3. We will continue to communicate any new developments regarding access to the campus as they come, for now these guidelines will be in place for the next 2 weeks.

Thank you again for your cooperation. Should you have any burning questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the OPS Team.

Kind regards,

OPS Team